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AleXa puts on a unique twist to heal fans during her upcoming "Sick of you" USA Tour!
American pop singer and K-pop idol AleXa not only looks inwards to strengthen her mental fortitude, but also that of her fans! The pop...
Jon Lui
Mar 23, 20242 min read

AleXa Transports Hundreds of Fans to Wonderland in Atlanta
AleXa, a veteran of Produce 48 and the winner of the American Song Contest, recently performed for hundreds of her fans at the Ferst...
Tuan Pham
Oct 25, 20222 min read

Oklahoma K-pop Singer Alexa Wins American Song Contest
#alexa #americansongcontest #alexakpop Tears of joy ran down the 25-year-old singer/dancer Alexa as she fell into her mother's arms when...
Jon Lui
May 12, 20222 min read
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