Kamusta? We are Meraki!
Our team is driven by pure passion. This is the essence of our name, Meraki. For us, performing is the art of pouring our souls into every rhythm, leaving a piece of ourselves in our craft. Each member shows unwavering dedication to the team's shared passion.

With the strong pursuit of excellence, we continually seek opportunities for growth. Our goal is to improve with every performance.
Tell us about a time you poured your heart and soul into a project or performance.
With every performance that we do, 101% of ourselves is on the stage. Over the last 2 and a half years, each performance and project that we did was wholeheartedly driven by our immense passion. There were times that we needed to sacrifice some things in order to achieve our goals.
What does "Meraki" mean to you?
For us, Meraki is family. It’s a home where we can pour our passion into. Our members are always there for each other, always there to help everyone maximize their abilities. We really enjoy each other’s company and it’s even more fun since we share the same love and passion for performing.
How do you approach rehearsals and preparation for a performance?
Before we rehearse altogether, we learn the whole choreography individually, so that it’s easier for the team. Our leader leads us, she’s the one who gets into details of the choreography and she guides the team to learn it accurately. It usually takes us about 2 to 3 rehearsals for dance projects before we can film the project.
For live performances like competitions, it takes weeks to prepare because many things need to be accomplished before everything is done and finalized.
Tell us about a time you faced a challenge during a performance and how you overcame it.
There was this one time in a competition, a member got confused with the blockings and they were standing in the wrong place. Another member whispered to them to get right back to the right blockings and travel while doing the choreography so that it wouldn’t look messy. In performances, although we need to enjoy the stage, we also need to be attentive of any unexpected moments that can happen. We need to think of a solution quickly to not jeopardize the performance.
Anything that you would like to promote?
Our YouTube channel is Meraki PH, you can subscribe to our channel to get notified when we release new projects and performances. Always be on the lookout for us since we have upcoming projects soon!