The highly experimental fan-oriented K-pop group TripleS LOVElution teaches us the ten rules to become rich! We talk about their breakout single and decode its messages! Let's go!

TripleS' subgroup LOVElution just dropped their debut music video on Thursday, August 17. Garnering close to 6 million views in just 24 hours, this new strategy by Modhaus, TripleS' entertainment agency, seems to be working!
All about being confident and learning from your mistakes, we break down LOVElution's new breakout single "Girls' Capitalism"!
Their first single off of their first self-titled mini-album "LOVElution", LOVElution drops a literally money-making tip video on how to get rich! The fun and poppy sound with elegant singing makes the lesson on economics worth watching! Here are the ten rules to become rich we learned from this video!

From the 10 rules of the Mad Money Club:
Don't Cry Be Rich — Don't blame others, your success is only what you put into it!
Read More — Education is key! Rich people read books (and blogs like ours) to learn something every day!
No Money No Future — Sad but true. We need money in order to build something for future generations. Leave that legacy ya'll!
Dance When You Feel Ugly — Always keep your head up! Everyone goes through ups and downs, including the rich!
Dream Big — Always have big dreams! The bigger and more ambitious the dream, the harder you will push yourself to achieve!
Eat Healthy — Work out daily and eat healthy! It should be your number one priority!
See Differently — Like us, we view culture differently than other people. Differentiate yourself from your competition and you will find success!
Try New Food — Always try new things! Get out of your comfort zone! That's how you grow!
Don't Be Scared To Be Crazy! — Never be in your own head. Take that scary step towards your dreams no matter what other people say.
Just Be (You)tiful — Awww! You're special and people should accept you for you! Never try to impress others for their benefit! Be yourself!
How many K-pop songs give us the cheat code in becoming successful in life? This is definitely one that stands out! Let us know what you think about LOVElution and will you be following them. Comment below!