If you thought tvN's most popular romance/fantasy drama Lovely Runner craze is finished, you'd be wrong! Actor Byeon Woo Seok took his newfound stardom to the next level as he hosted his first-ever Asia fan meeting tour "SUMMER LETTER" starting in Taipei!

On June 6, 2024, actor Byeon Woo Seok left Incheon Airport for Taipei, Taiwan for his first-ever Asia fan meeting tour which was scheduled for June 8, 2024, entitled "SUMMER LETTER". Taiwanese fans flooded Taoyuan International Airport and eagerly awaited his entry into their country! You can check out his full airport entrance video here!
Byeon Woo Seok happily waved to fans and provided some "fan service" by posing with a "heart" before exiting the airport.
According to local reports, some 1,000 fans arrived as early as 4 AM local time to settle in their spots to see the actor's arrival at noon local time. Byeon Woo Seok was deeply moved by fans as he stated, "I was deeply moved by the fans by greeting the fans despite the guard's restraint."
Here is the remaining "SUMMER LETTER" fan meeting tour schedule:
June 14 - 15 Bangkok, Thailand
June 22 Manila, Philippines
June 28 Jakarta, Indonesia
June 30 Singapore
July 6 -7 Seoul, South Korea
Let us know if you're on the Byeon Woo Seok craze as well! Make sure to check out our previous article about his singing talents!