As soon as it was revealed that S. Coups, one of the group's well-known members, had suffered a knee injury, SEVENTEEN fans expressed their worry. The event took place on August 10 when footage was being filmed, and the artist was hurt while playing a game of baseball. An urgent medical examination, including an MRI scan, indicated a damaged anterior cruciate ligament (ACL) in his left knee, according to PLEDIS Entertainment, the management company for SEVENTEEN. S. Coups will thus have surgery after receiving the required medical care.
Fans were further reassured by the statement that, with the help of medical specialists, the artist's recuperation would be given priority, and his participation in planned events would be modified in light of how well he was recovering. The agency apologized for any inconvenience given to fans and conveyed S. Coups's resolve to rejoin them when his health permitted.

S. Coups' supporters and well wishes from the K-pop world and fans alike came together in the hopes of his quick recovery. Fans are hoping that S. Coups will soon return to the stage and showcase his distinctive energy and charm once he is in good health, even as SEVENTEEN temporarily changes their schedule to suit his recuperation process!
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