Netflix's new series Mr. Plankton promises an emotional and thought-provoking journey, exploring themes of identity, family, and purpose. The show centers around Hae Jo (Woo Do Hwan Bloodhounds 2023), a man grappling with the mystery of his father's identity, leading him on a quest for belonging. Joining is Jo Jae Mi (Lee Yoo Mi Strong Girl Nam-Soon 2023), who yearns for a family but faces challenges as she navigates her complicated engagement to Eo Heung (Oh Jung Se Sweet Home 2 2023).
The press conference held in Mapo District, Seoul, provided insights into the series and the cast's perspectives. Actor Oh Jung-se, known for It's Okay to Not Be Okay, remarked, “The series is a work that is not only entertaining and full of excitement but also has touching moments that can unexpectedly bring a lump to your throat.”
Director Hong Jong Chan, renowned for Juvenile Justice, admired the script, stating, “The writer’s message deeply touched my heart.” He emphasized the series' central theme: “Every life has value, purpose, and meaning.” The director compared the show's essence to plankton, explaining, “Everything, like plankton, carries inherent value and purpose.”
Hae Jo, played by Woo Do Hwan, embarks on this quest feeling lost and disconnected. “My first line was 'I was about to die,' and I didn't realize how challenging it would be to portray a character who has so little time left,” he shared, reflecting on the depth of his role.
Lee Yoo Mi, recognized for her breakout role in Squid Game, described her character as “a flower that blossoms regardless of how miserable the circumstances may be.” She emphasized the resilience of her character, who finds strength even amid despair.
Oh Jung Se further explored the unique character names, which carry significant meanings in Korean culture. He noted, “At first, the story felt a bit cartoonish because of its character names,” linking them to the deeper themes of the series.
Mr. Plankton is set to premiere on Netflix on November 8, 2024, with a total of 10 episodes inviting viewers to reflect on the inherent value of every individual's life.
What are your thoughts on the themes of identity and purpose in Mr. Plankton?