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"LOVESICK" FOR OREOS! (The Classic Cookie with a K-pop Twist)

Melveen Villoria

Twist! Lick! Dunk! I am completely and utterly "Lovesick" with these Oreos I can’t have yet! Oreo and BlackPink is a loving partnership that everyone can enjoy. It’s a K-pop twist to a classic cookie!

Rosé posted on her Instagram (roses_are_rosie) and set the mood for love this February with their promo Oreo video. I really can’t get “Twist! Lick! Dunk!” sung by BlackPink out of my head.

What was the Oreo schedule? The announcement of the Oreo and Blackpink collaboration happened in December of 2022. Lucky Blinks in Indonesia, Philippines, and Thailand were first scheduled to get their Blink Oreo game on last month in January of 2023. Blinks in Singapore, Malaysia, Vietnam, and South Korea should now be able to buy Oreo BlackPink this month! Cookies are said to be pink with black cream or black with pink cream.

Will the United States also see Oreo BlackPink? Black Pink is scheduled to perform before the end of the year in the United States (US). Oreo might use this opportunity to promote Black Pink in the United States. Oreo is reported to have said "Never Say Never" to USA Today on whether the company has plans to sell Oreo Blackpink in the United States. I have high hopes for the end of this year and might have my own bag of Oreo Blackpink to "Twist! Lick! Dunk!"

K-POP Music Style Included! Once you can get your hands on a package, you can get scan a QR code that will show you a message from Blackpink! In the true spirit of K-pop music style, packages even have photo cards! We all know how fandoms love to collect and share photo cards!

Would you Drop Some Money? In another trending habit of K-pop music culture is when the fans are being taken advantage of. There are scalpers everywhere, even for cookies. The entire collection of Oreos and Blackpink photo cards are being resold for $285 on eBay. Prices for the packages should be less than $5 but people are already reselling them at nearly triple the cost between $13-$17 each. even reported that the cookies were available earlier than they were supposed to be in Singapore!?! Any Blink will no doubt think that there might be some "Pink Venom" in the Oreos that will cause people to want to "Drop Some Money" since the "Bread is so yummy".

Will you play with me? Oreo's strategy to engage with its consumers is to connect with what they call "moments of play" ( HypeBeast ) The K-pop fandoms are highly involved with their artists. It is no surprise that this collaboration of Oreo and Blackpink is truly a match made in pop culture heaven!

Did you get your Oreo BlackPink cookies yet?! Let us know!

Sources: 1 2 3 4


Feb 22, 2023

I already bought it, and I got a Jisoo pc 🥰

Melveen Villoria
Feb 22, 2023
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JelIy!!! That so great Mutiah! 😍 Jisoo is 🔥 love her!! Will you collect them all or are you in Blink heaven 🖤💗

If you haven’t checked out the give away for February yet, it’s on our Insta. Also, next month’s giveaway will be fun. 😍

Jisoo 😍🖤💗


The Oreo tastes good. I love it!

Melveen Villoria
Feb 22, 2023
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Josephine, Oreo is soo good! We love it too! Did you get an OreoxBlackPink Oreo?

Did you get a photo card????? Who did you get?

Also, don’t forget our monthly give away!

Details on our Insta to win a free Twice CD!!! 🤩 Thank you for reading our articles 🫶🏼🫶🏼🫶🏼


Feb 22, 2023

I'm excited about this collaboration and I want them but in Mexico it's not available so I'm sad

Melveen Villoria
Feb 22, 2023
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Hopefully they will also make it available later!! I want all four photo cards 😢😭 Who is your bias my Blink friend? I love Rose, but when I saw them in Chicago last year, Jisoo and Jennie were so funny. 🤭


Feb 19, 2023

Are these Oreos available in the USA yet?!?!? 😭

Melveen Villoria
Feb 20, 2023
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Maybe we need to go to Seoul! 🤩

For now, I wish you good luck to winning the Twice CD giveaway this month! 🤗


Feb 17, 2023

As of now i don't have yet ;( i badly want to have BLACKPINK OREO😭😭

Melveen Villoria
Feb 18, 2023
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Me too! I have to wait until the end of this year. 🤤 But, cheer up!

We are giving away a Twice CD this month!

I think I saw you on our Insta? 😍

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