Rom-com star Lee Da Hee just finished starring in Love Is For Suckers and is now the lead role in TVING's new supernatural action web series Island! We'll show you four reasons why Island should be on your K-drama playlist at the start of this new year!

Island is based on a South Korean web series with the same name and premiered on December 30, 2022. The six-episode series talks about three people who meet by destiny to fight off evil monsters determined to destroy the world. This action-based supernatural drama has a lot of martial arts fight scenes and car chases! Read on to find out why we think you should be watching!
1. Lee Da Hee is perfect!
After just the first two episodes, we believe Lee Da Hee is perfect for her role as Won Mi Ho, a conglomerate daughter who has been banished to the island of Jeju due to her misbehavior and causing trouble in the media.

Lee Da Hee's character and personality from her previous role in Love Is For Suckers with Super Junior's Choi Siwon shine through as she is perfect for her role as an innocent bystander caught up in a monster battle! Her relaxed and carefree attitude at times reminds us that she is an expert in creating comedic relief during high-tension scenes!
2. Cha Eun Woo is the hottest priest in the land!
Astro's Cha Eun Woo returns to the screen as he graces audiences with his good looks as a Catholic Priest Yohan. He performs exorcisms and works on the same case Won Mi Ho is on as his goal is to purify life and ward off evil.

Eun Woo's calm demeanor during his scenes really sets his acting skill to the test as he graces the screen as a young Catholic priest who is wise beyond his years.
3. Jeju Island's Beautiful Backdrop!
Set on the beautiful island of Jeju, Island definitely reminds us of summer days in the "Hawaii of Korea"! With gorgeous cutaway scenes in between the action, it takes your breath away and reminds you how natural beauty this drama is set in!

4. The Action Sequences Movie Quality!
The fight sequences in Island are movie quality! It seems like the combination of computer-generated effects and much-practiced choreography was introduced to the characters as the main lead, Van (Kim Nam Gil Emergency Declaration 2022), kicks and punches his way to save the innocent people around him!
Born as a half-human half-demon, Van is raised as a weapon to rid all of the evil in the world and shows no emotion. That changes when he meets Won Mi Ho during their accidental run into each other during a monster mission.

Watch episodes 1 and 2 of Island here!
So what do you think about our reasons? Has it made you want to watch this drama? Let us know your thoughts and reasons!