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Learn How to Celebrate Holidays By Using Korean From "Who Are You"!

Writer's picture: Manar AlyManar Aly

In this post, we are going to learn Korean through a conversation between two orphan girls in the K-drama Who are you? Today, we're going to learn new words, especially for some celebrating days!

Scene 1:

● 언니

● older sister

● 이고 뭐야 ?

● What is that?

○ 금메달

○ A gold medal

○ 이거 장난감 아니고 진짜다.

○ It's not a toy, It's real.


Scene 2:

● 언니 서울에서 살 때 선물 받은 거야 ?

● Did you get it as a gift when you were in Seoul?

○ 응


○ 근데, 진짜 주인한테 됼려줘야 돼.

○ But I need to return it to its rightful owner.

○ 원래 주인은 따로 있는데.

○ It belongs to someone else.

○ 그냥 , 내가 대신 받아뒀던 거거든.

○ But I've been holding it for her.

● 근데 , 나 딱 한 번만 만져보면 안 돼 ?

● May I touch it just once ?

○ 그래.

○ Sure.

● 와 , 멋지다!

● Wow, it's so cool!

Scene 3:

● 언니 학교도 가고 싶고 , 친고들도 보고 싶지 ?

● (To her older sister) You want to go to school, and see your friends..right?

● 엄마도 생기고 , 친구들도 많아 졌다면서.

You have a mom and lots of friends now.

● 이제 우리 때문에 계속 여기 안 있어도 돼.

● You don't have to stay here because of us anymore.

● 그 대신 우리 생일 어린이날 , 크리스마스 때는 꼭 오기다 ?

● Instead of that, could you come to our birthday day, Children's Day and Christmas time?

크리스마스 ( Christmas (Day) )

Example :

크리스마스가 다가오고 있다

Christmas is coming.

생일 ( birthday )

Example :

생일이 언제예요?

What's your date of birth? (When is your birthday?)

We talked about birthdays in the previous article, don't forget to read it if you didn't!

어린이날 (Children's Day )

Example :

어린이날을 축하해. 난 이제 어린이가 아니라니 슬퍼.

Happy Children’s Day. It's sad that I’m not a kid anymore.

Scene 4 :

● 약속

● Promise

● 약속하는 거지?

● You're making a promise?

○ 그래.

○ Sure.

○ 약속할게.

○ I promise.

Do you remember the last lesson when we learned what is the word promise in Korean?

If you haven't read the previous lesson, I advise you to refer to it.

And that's it! What was the most useful word for you in this lesson?

All photos in this post are from Pinterest.


Saves this for future reference xD


Apr 06, 2023

고마워요 im learning and this helps me so much ^^

Apr 12, 2023
Replying to

I would like to learn about how to say when I go to a restaurant to order and paid a food and how to buy something in the street. Or going to a cinema or buying clothes.

감사합니다 ^^

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