If you’re a fan of Korean dramas or simply want to learn the Korean language, this article will help you embrace the beauty of the language showcased in the popular K-drama, My Demon and all the rules of becoming a bodyguard (well, maybe!).

Learning a new language can be both exciting and challenging, especially when it comes to understanding the nuances of a different culture. We have compiled a list of essential simple Korean sentences and questions using some scenes from this K-drama that you can try to answer to test your Korean level. If you haven't checked out our previous My Demon Korean Fridays lesson, check it out now!
Scene 1
● Conversation:
The first rule of being a bodyguard
경호 수직 첫째
Keep on watching her only.
그녀만을 바라볼 것.
There's nothing much
별 거 없네
What's with this handsome crazy guy?
뭐야 이 잘생긴 또라이는?
● Questions:
Question 1
어머니가 당신에게 조금의 실수를 했다고 말했습니다.
당신은 “ _____ “ 라고 대답할 것입니다.
A) 미안해
B) 별 거 없네
C) 괜찮아요
D) 아니야
Question 2
What is the Korean word for “handsome”?
A) 예쁜
B) 멋진
C) 잘생긴
D) 귀여운
Question 3
당신은 어떤 사람을 바라보고 있나요?
Who are you looking at?
A) 그분 (geu-bun) - him/her (formal)
B) 저희 친구 (jeoheui chingu) - our friend
C) 그녀 (geuryeo) - she
D) 저 (jeo) - me
Scene 2
● Conversation:
The second rule of being a bodyguard
경호 수착 둘째
Don't stay away from her
그녀에게서 멀어지지 말 것
That's easy
그떤 건 낌이지.
As expected, I'm amazing.
역시 난 대단해.
He's doing very well.
참 대단하다.
● Questions:
Question 1
Which of the following is the correct answer in Korean for “second”?
A) 경호
B) 수착
C) 둘째
D) 세번째
Question 2
Which of the following is the correct answer in Korean for “protection”?
A) 경호
B) 수착
C) 둘째
D) 보호
Question 3
What does the phrase “그떤 건 낌이지“ translate to in English?
A) I like it.
B) It doesn’t matter
C) I don’t know
D) It’s delicious
Question 4
Choose the word that best describes something remarkable in Korean.
A) 평범한
B) 특이한
C) 보통의
D) 대단한
Scene 3
● Conversation:
The third rule of being a bodyguard
경호 수칙 셋째
Don't fall in love with her.
절대 그녀를 사랑ㅎ하지 말 것.
That's hard.
● Questions:
Question 1
What is the word for “never” in Korean?
A) 학교
B) 친구
C) 절대
D) 집
Question 2
Which of the following is the correct translation for “사랑” in English?
A) Hate
B) Love
C) Cry
D) Eat
Question 3
Which of the following is the correct answer for “difficult” in Korean?
A) 쉬운 (easy)
B) 어려운 (difficult)
C) 예쁜 (pretty)
D) 작은 (small)
Question 4
What is the opposite of “어렵네” in Korean?
A) 쉬워요 (easy)
B) 예쁘네 (pretty)
C) 작네 (small)
D) 높네 (tall)
So did you learn all the rules of becoming a bodyguard? We're just kidding!
Learning a new language can be a challenging but also rewarding experience. By watching Korean dramas like My Demon and practicing essential Korean sentences and questions, you can immerse yourself in the beauty of the Korean language and culture. Keep practicing, and you’ll be well on your way to mastering the language. Feel free to share your responses in the comments section for feedback and corrections!
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