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[Korean Fridays] Exploring Facial Features in Korean Language

Writer: Manar AlyManar Aly

Facial features play a crucial role in how we express ourselves. Learning to describe them in Korean opens up new ways to communicate about ourselves and others. Today, let's dive into some basic Korean words for facial features!

Understanding how to express our facial features in Korean can greatly improve our ability to communicate and talk about ideas related to the face.

In this article, we will explore how to talk about facial features using possessive pronouns and without them. Let's dive in and learn how to do it!

☆ Check out this guide we made on using possessive adjectives in Korean!

☆ Explore these detailed visuals demonstrating how to describe each facial feature using possessive adjectives in Korean!

1. Eyes: 눈 (nun)

■ With Possessive Pronouns:

His eyes are brown: 그의 눈은 갈색이에요.

Her eyes are sparkling: 그녀의 눈은 반짝거려요.

Your eyes look tired: 당신의 눈이 피곤해 보여요.

My eyes are sensitive to light: 나의 눈은 빛에 예민해요.

■ Without Possessive Pronouns:

눈이 작아요. (The eyes are small.)

눈이 반짝입니다. (The eyes are sparkling.)


2. Nose: 코 (ko)

■ With Possessive Pronouns:

His nose is sharp: 그의 코가 날카로워요.

Her nose is small: 그녀의 코는 작아요.

Your nose is cute: 당신의 코가 귀엽네요.

My nose is cold: 나의 코가 차요.

■ Without Possessive Pronouns:

코가 길어요. (The nose is long.)


3. Mouth: 입 (lip)

■ With Possessive Pronouns:

His mouth is smiling: 그의 입은 웃고 있어요.

Her mouth is small: 그녀의 입은 작아요.

Your mouth looks tired: 당신의 입이 피곤해 보여요.

My mouth is dry: 나의 입은 말라요.

■ Without Possessive Pronouns:

입이 크네요. (The mouth is big.)

입이 작다. (The mouth is small.)


4. Ears: 귀 (gwi)

■ With Possessive Pronouns:

His ears are big: 그의 귀가 크네요.

Her ears are pierced: 그녀의 귀에 귀걸이가 있어요.

Your ears hear well: 당신의 귀가 잘 들려요.

My ears are ringing: 나의 귀가 울려요.

■ Without Possessive Pronouns:

귀가 작아요. (The ears are small.)

귀가 민감해요. (The ears are sensitive.)


5. Hair: 머리카락 (meorikarak)

■ With Possessive Pronouns:

• His hair is black: 그의 머리카락이 검정색이에요.

• Her hair is curly: 그녀의 머리카락은 곱슬거려요.

• Your hair is messy: 당신의 머리카락이 엉망이에요.

• My hair is short: 나의 머리카락이 짧아요

■ Without Possessive Pronouns:

머리카락이 길어요. (The hair is long.)

머리카락이 짧아요. (The hair is short.)


Through consistent practice and exposure to various contexts, you will effectively grasp Korean vocabulary and grammar. In the second part, we'll cover the rest of the facial features and give you a complete overview.

Are you excited for the second part? Practice these examples in the comments below, and we'll correct them for you!


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