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Joo In Hae Confesses Her Feelings For Goofy Vampire Taecyeon In "Heartbeat"!

Writer: Jon LuiJon Lui

The latest episodes of Heartbeat just gave us the "feels"! In fact, it made our heart race faster as the two main leads, Joo In Hae (Won Ji An) and Sun Woo Hyeol (Ok Taecyeon), finally gave in to their feelings and expressed their love for each other in the most romantic gesture, a kiss! We relive the latest episodes and tell you our thoughts!

Sun Woo Hyeol (Ok Taecyeon, left) and Joo In Hae (Won Ji An) give us a romantic moment we've all been waiting for!
Sun Woo Hyeol (Ok Taecyeon, left) and Joo In Hae (Won Ji An) give us a romantic moment we've all been waiting for!

So how did this sweet goofy vampire Sun Woo Hyeol capture this clueless hard-working simple girl Joo In Hae? By simply being himself! In our last article about whether vampires really existed in Korean folklore, we found out that Taecyeon was free to take this role into his own interpretation. Of course, using his "Taecyeon charm" he uses it in his role as the goofy out-of-date vampire Woo Hyeol!

So how did these two get to this point? Back in episode 11, In Hae decided it would be a great idea to host a costume-themed party inviting everyone in the area. As the party started, Woo Hyeol, being at times, his charming self, asked In Hae for a dance. Lo and behold, it made In Hae realize her feelings for him! Seeing these two potential love birds made Na Hae Won (Yoon So Hee Ghost Doctor 2022) angry and she storms out of the house. We also find out Hae Won isn't as friendly as everyone thought she is!

Fast forward to the end of episode 11 when Woo Hyeol finds In Hae asleep at his bed and the two finally give into their feelings! This scene, probably the climax of the whole series, made our hearts stop as In Hae reveals her honest feelings to Woo Hyeol saying that she wouldn't be able to live without him by her side. Sigh. The feels. Woo Hyeol doesn't waste any time as he grabs her and kisses her passionately.

Our Thoughts

Although we understand this drama is purely fictional, we can't help but question how "cleanly" everything fits together. Woo Yeol wants to be fully human so he can't harm In Hae. We also know that there are other characters who despise his existence and want to get rid of him so there will be some fighting for his survival as well as his feelings for In Hae. Our question is: "If this weren't a Korean drama, would everything fit so nicely together?"

Let us know what your thoughts are so far and where you think this relationship will end. Comment below!


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