We're back with a recap of episodes 7 & 8 of the latest and greatest Castway Diva! Spoilers alert!
Now we know who the real Ki Ho is, how are we feeling about it? If you haven't yet watched Ep. 6 and want some spoilers, check out our HERE.
Mok Ha Shines in her Debut
We loved Mok Ha's (Park Eun Bin) princess debut on the stage and the beautiful beach set-up Kang PD (AKA Ki Ho) set up for her reminiscing on their high school days and when he helped Mok Ha film her audition tape. A little off-topic here, but did you know that Park Eun Bin is actually singing? Her voice is stunning! We will post another article related to her talent soon!
Open Your Eyes - Castaway Diva OST
Ki Ho vs. Bong Wan (His Father)
Ki Ho's dad, played by Lee Seung Joon trails the family making us feel creeped out and nervous. I understand he may be searching for his family but his intentions weren't necessarily good towards them so why is he so eagerly searching for them and it seems especially Ki Ho? Is he after revenge? I mean the man can commit murder without blinking an eye so we are in the stance that his intentions are 100% not great and that he is seeking some sort of revenge to fuel his ego perhaps?

"What kind of lunatic searches 15 years for someone he's uninterested in?"
We love Ki Ho's dedication to saving and protecting his family, however, it is a little frustrating to have his relationship with Mok Ha on a kind of back burner as he tries to distract his father, but as you can tell from that dream where Bong Wan shows up at the salon, his need to protect his family is deep, he has a genuine fear of the harm his father can do. But this leaves a little room for Woo Hak to swoop in and steal Mok Ha's heart away (since they've been spending more time together) and even though Mok Ha didn't express her feelings towards Ki Ho we know where his heart stands as he said he still has feelings for Mok Ha after all this time. I mean we know, the man searched for her for 15 years and succeeded. If they don't get together at the end we will be upset, but the Woo Hak, Mok Ha ship is looking pretty tempting at the moment.

Woo Hak vs. Bong Wan (His Father)
The connection to Woo Hak is timely too. We're hoping they will put the pieces of who killed the insurance agent together soon and that this will finally give the family some peace of mind if the dad is locked away in prison.

Ki Ho and the Responsibility he's taken upon himself
Sigh, Ki Ho showing up to his father, is this a bold move for Ki Ho or a move of desperation as his father gets closer to his family? We're genuinely concerned for Ki Ho's safety since we know the father is willing to go to great lengths to find his family. But I mean he could miss them, right? Maybe that's more optimistic. We see Ki Ho bloodied and beat in the snippet for the next episode. Poor Ki Ho, it seems he's fighting this battle alone!

Will Ki Ho be okay? Does the father actually want his family back? What do you think? Comment below!