We wish we could be 18 again!
Gripping episodes at every turn with backstabbing and deceiving antagonists.
Lee Joon Gi is perfect for the prosecutor role!

*Contains spoilers.
4.5/5 Stars
Driven by determination and righteousness, a young prosecutor Kim Hee Woo (Lee Joon Gi Hotel Del Luna 2019) strives to take down a powerful politician, Cho Tae Sub (Lee Geung Young Vincenzo 2021) who seems to hold all the cards in the Korean assembly house. In the middle of uncovering Cho Tae Sub's alternative motives, Hee Woo is killed by an assassin hired by the politician. He is given another chance to right his wrongs starting from age 18.
During his rise back to his present-day self, Kim Hee Woo must confront his weakness including saving his parents from a tragic car accident. He must go through the hardships as a university student as well as serve in the Korean military again! We're taken along in his journey to dominate the prosecutor's office and to bring justice to those in higher level government positions.
This fun revenge fantasy drama drew in high ratings throughout its run ending with a 10.5% Nielsen Korea rating which was good for 2nd nationwide on May 28. Check out this fun quiz game between Kim Ji Eun and Lee Joon Gi!
Political Thoughts
While watching this drama, we felt that it was perfectly timed with the current political landscape in South Korea. Koreans are concerned with the newly appointed president, Yoon Seok Youl's cabinet members, all of whom the president has worked with. They feel that he might seem biased as the eight members graduated from South Korea's most prestigious Seoul National University, the President's alma mater. The cabinet members are all male and over the age of 50 drawing concerns from the public.
As many as 44 million South Koreas headed to the polls on Wednesday, June 1 to elect mayors and provincial governors. It was considered to be a public holiday as many businesses and schools were closed for the day. This is the first test given to President Yoon to tackle economic recovery and inequality in the country.

How do you feel about this? Do you think the president should be allowed to appoint whoever he feels is right or should there be limitations? Let us know your thoughts about this drama and the Korean political landscape now!