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A2K Contestant Kendall Under Fire For Inappropriate Dance! Netizens Retaliate!

The extremely popular K-pop survival program, A2K (American 2 Korea), has gained insane popularity by having millions of viewers on JYP Entertainment's YouTube channel every week tune in to see who will be the next American K-pop star! But this super popular show didn't come without faults as netizens took to online forums to express their discomfort about one of the show's leading contestants Kendall Ebeling! Read on to find out what happened!

Quickly on track to become one of America's premier K-pop stars, Kendall has proven herself, from the L.A. Bootcamp until her individual evaluation in South Korea, that she belongs on the stage! A2K has come under scrutiny as many fans realized that most of the girls on the program are underage, including Kendall!

In her most recent individual evaluation in front of J.Y. Park, Kendall performed Sunmi's very provocative "24 Hours" flawlessly! Fans weren't shocked at how well she performed it, but at her provocative gestures and J.Y. Park's awkward comments after watching the performance. Take a look for yourself!

After her amazing performance, netizens voiced their concerns over Kendall's parents, who are currently in South Korea with her, and the fact that K-pop companies allow minors to perform such a daring dance. Many netizens did agree, however, that the song choice was made by Kendall herself, but why didn't the adults around her step in and tell her it "wasn't a good choice"?

Here are some comments made by some fans:

"It’s crazy that she has a parent in Korea with her that may well have watched her rehearsals. It’s a stark (and sad) reminder that many of the parents of child stars do not care."

"It’s crazy that she has a parent in Korea with her that may well have watched her rehearsals. It’s a stark (and sad) reminder that many of the parents of child stars do not care."

"please no hate, I am just trying to make you feel less worried/triggered, if I can. I understand we are protective (I am too) and this cringed many but some haven't seen anything sexual or sensual in that exhibition because she is so young and she has delicate manners. it was like mocking something, differently. I personally saw it as theatrical only 😭 Even the other girls thought it was a good choice. Ps: even the Sunmi mv was not sexual at all for me"

"I really don't see the problem with this. For one, she's 16, I really don't find it shocking to see 16 year olds doing more sensual dances and 24 Hours isn't even that bad. Secondly, she has a background in contemporary dance, obviously she's going to want to show that off. They seem to be limited to doing JYP songs and I can't really think of any other soloist song that would show off her skillset."

What do you think of Kendall's choice? Do you think she made the right one or do you think fans should just "chill out"? Let us know your thoughts in the comments below!

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