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3 Reasons Why 'The Glory' Needs to be At the Top of Your Winter Drama Playlist!

Writer: Jon LuiJon Lui

Netflix's original quiet revenge thriller The Glory has become one of our earlier top performances of 2023! The story of a physically and mentally abused high school girl who vows revenge on her bullies 20 years later has us sitting on the edge of our seats! Here are three reasons why The Glory should be at the top of your K-drama rotation!

Premiering on December 30, 2022, a former victim of school violence, Moon Dong Eun (Song Hye Kyo Descendants of the Sun 2016), takes revenge on her former bullies after taking a job as an elementary school teacher of her bully's child. Dong Eun spent her teenage years and 20s plotting her revenge plan to take out the bullies that took advantage of her by studying to become an elementary school teacher. Each activity and task she does goes toward to her plan, carefully planning each move, like a game of chess. After watching the first episode, you'll be hungry for more!

1. Song Hye Kyo has a dark side!

Many of us know Song Hye Kyo from Descendants of the Sun where she works as a kind-hearted doctor who falls in love with a soldier. But after watching the first episode and eventually the rest of Part 1, we have found out that Song Hye Kyo definitely has a dark serious side that shows no emotion.

Song Hye Kyo stars as Moon Dong Eun in "The Glory" (Netfflix)
Song Hye Kyo stars as Moon Dong Eun in "The Glory" (Netfflix)

Her character, Moon Dong Eun, has been so emotionally and physically scarred that she seems to have nothing left in her demeanor. When she hires her bully's housekeeper to aid her in her revenge, she tells her "not to make her smile, it'll make her forget the reason why she is doing this." The seriousness and pent-up anger is felt through the screen as Song Hye Kyo confidently exacts her revenge and we're all rooting for her!

2. The Glory is emotionally charged and scary at times!

The seriousness and sometimes violence cannot be ignored at times and it keeps us fully invested in the storyline as Dong Eun carefully uses her chess pieces (her former school bullies) to make them turn on each other and self-destruct. Her meticulous planning has given her an edge over her former bullies as she uses her newfound information and resources to control their adult selves. Often without emotion, Dong Eun is able to give off a very scary vibe while using threats to get her way and to continue her plan.

"The Glory" still (Netflix)
"The Glory" still (Netflix)

3. We really hate the bad guys!

The reason why we can become so emotionally invested in Song Hye Kyo's character is because of the school bullies! They have done unspeakable things to her during her high school years that most people would feel bad about. With the beautiful ring leader, Park Yeon Jin (Lim Ji Yeon Money Heist Korea: Joint Economic Area Part II 2022), becoming a popular weather newscaster, marrying a rich man, and having a daughter, it seems that she has it all. But when Dong Eun starts to uncover her dark past, Yeon Jin's real character starts to show.

Lim Ji Yeon stars as Park Yeon Jin in "The Glory" (Netflix)
Lim Ji Yeon stars as Park Yeon Jin in "The Glory" (Netflix)

We've all had mixed feelings about the most popular girl at school, but this one takes the cake! Not only is Lim Ji Yeon gorgeous, but her cruel attitude towards Song Hye Kyo's character makes us really hate her guts!

Have we convinced you to watch The Glory yet? Let us know if you feel the same! Part 2 will be released in March 2023 and we can't wait!


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